The science

Amplification and analysis of the body’s signals for early detection of disease.
Unlike other screens and assays, Syantra does not “look for cancer,” directly. Instead, we lean into the body’s own function, including key internal defense systems, which more often than not, can indicate something is wrong far before it can be seen by common tests or examinations.
The Syantra platform is robustly trained to measure changes in the body’s normal function, picking up on biological signals that have not been previously recognized. Put simply: we listen to, record, decode, and report on shifts in body systems, connecting them to specific diseases.
Evidenced, not theoretical
The efficacy of the science supporting Syantra’s patent-pending platform and methodology for detecting early stage cancers is not theoretical: it has been supported in a series of studies testing for the presence of breast cancer.
And we believe that the exact same proven approach that has delivered extraordinary results in detecting early stage breast cancer will be equally effective in testing for many other types of cancer. Work is already underway for tests for other early stage cancers.

The platform and the process
Syantra’s patent-pending platform is Onco-ID™, a.k.a., Onco Immune Detect, as it leverages signals sent by the body’s immune system.
Onco-ID detects the presence of an active cancer signature by quantifying the expression of a unique combination of genes through a custom and multiplexed qPCR process. Data is then analyzed with proprietary software that includes machine learning-derived algorithms.
This new type of high complexity molecular test was designed to be easy for users and labs. It involves three steps:
A blood sample is collected and preserved in a Syantra specified vacuum tube and sent to a lab for molecular processing where nucleic acids are extracted, quantified and normalized.

A unique molecular signature is quantified using proprietary, patent-pending qPCR test components and methodology that adhere to strict quality guidelines.

Leveraging AI, Syantra’s unique machine learning algorithms pick up raw data, analyze it, and present data revealing the presence or absence of a cancer signal, as well as an indicator of confidence in those results. This includes details of all quality checks that were performed.

This unique approach is different and more complex than standard qPCR (typically used in research applications) or standard lab tests, such as the measurement of glucose, where the concentration is reported as an absolute value.
Supporting health… from detection to prevention to treatment
Most importantly, Syantra’s technology platform doesn’t just look for disease: it has the capacity to discover and create new options for prevention and treatment.
By picking-up on signals indicating important shifts in the body’s physiology, the Syantra platform inserts itself into the “conversation” between the body’s defense systems and the cancerous cells attempting to influence and, in many cases, overwhelm those systems.
The platform is designed to model complex conditions in the body to identify treatments that may stop cancer cells from influencing healthy cells in the immune system, shutting off communication, connection, and corruption.
Our scientific approach and technology platform is built on a simple question: Why fight cancer on its own terms when we can instead control the conversation?
Announcements & stories
News about Syantra and its revolutionary approach to cancer screening.